3D Animator
Let the imaginations begin!
My name is Griffin Mitchell. I am a 3D Character Animator currently living in Southeast Wisconsin.
Growing up watching movies like Toy Story, Shrek, and Monster House I came to realize just how different the styles of 3D animation were but that they all had a wonderful something in common. Storytelling. I just knew I had to somehow be a part of this art form.
Studying my craft with Academy of Art University I have had the pleasure and opportunity to work with Studio X. I engaged in animating on a variety of shows that allowed me to explore the use of different types of animation styles including realistic, cartoony, motion capture, and even a VFX shot composited into live action footage! Studio X gave me the discipline to prioritize, stay on schedule, collaborate with fantastic teams of artists, and learn to love animation that much more.
If interested in working with me and need my credentials click on the button below.